Senin, 09 Desember 2019

Theory of  Teaching

Teaching is essentially an activity carried out by someone consciously to change

behavior or provide new skills to someone. Some teaching theories put forward by several experts include:
1. Bruner's Teaching Theory
Bruner argues that teaching should:
 a.  Describe the learning experiences that need to be taken by students
 b.  Describe the way the body of science science will be studied.
 c.  Describe systematically the subjects that will be taught to students
 d.  Describe the arrangements in the teaching and learning process carried out.
For Bruner, teaching is the presentation of concepts and problems gradually in a form that is easy to understand.
Bruner presents a number of presentation techniques:
 1. Symbolic form of the use of language in the presentation of object ideas by taking into account the child's psychological development.
 2. Iconic in the form of the use of images in the presentation of concepts to students.  This presentation is abstract.
 3. Enactive in the form of cognitive activities in the form of psychomotor motion, meaning that students and teachers directly practice what is taught.
If a student has difficulty accepting a symbolic lesson or by giving an object by the teacher verbally, the teacher will continue to use it iconically, but still in an abstract form.  And if students still do not understand what is explained, then the teacher invites students to practice directly or directly invited students to the real situation.
2. Ausubel Teaching Theory
In this teaching theory according to Ausubel, it is often also mentioned that teaching is providing verbal material that is meaningful for students.  The main point in teaching is to identify what students already know and explain what they need to know further and how to structure it so that what they learn is easy to understand as a round of complete knowledge. In connection with that, Ausubel put forward concepts such as:

 1. Hook Material
In the form of material or other learning material but it is closely related to the material to be or is being taught.  So the teacher is required to know and be able to learn other materials related to the material witnessed.  Like if a teacher explains about a total solar eclipse, the linking material is the planet's foundation.
 2. Learning Meaningful
Studying learning material by trying to live up to the logical and psychological meaning of the material presented.
 a.  Logical meaning is the meaning contained in the dictionary or in other words is the meaning that is not denied the truth.
 b.  Psychological Meaning, according to one's perception of what is received, so that this psychological meaning may be different for each person.
According to Ausubel, several definitions of teaching:
 a.  Implanting knowledge in children
 b.  Deliver culture to children
 c.  Managing PBM environment-occurs
 Teaching Style
The teacher must understand:
 a.  Able to carry out communication well.
 b.  Able to integrate themselves with the material being taught.
 c.  Get to know the students well.
 d.  Mastering learning well.

 Teaching style:
 a.  How to stand in front of the class.
 b.  How to move and walk.
 c.  Hand movements carried out.

 d.  Eyes sight.
 e.  Mimic and facial movements.
 f.  Sound.
 g.  Standing attitude.
 h.  How to write.
 i.  How to ask.
 j.  How to calm the class.
 k.  How to praise.
 3. Theory of Teaching Gagne
According to Gagne, teaching is actually structuring one's learning situations and conditions.  And it is the person who learns the truth who will try to look for himself while the teacher will only arrange the situation in such a way.
In arranging the situation includes several things, including:
 a.  Motivation.
 b.  Direction of interest and attention.
 c.  Evaluate learning outcomes.
 Learning principles include:
 a.  The purpose of learning must be known to children.
 b.  The purpose of learning multiplication with a child's life.
 c.  Valuable goals for students.
 d.  The process and learning outcomes are centered in relation to the references.
 e.  In the process students are involved and experienced.
 f.  Students react as a whole, physically and spiritually.
 g.  Students will react if the environment is meaningful to him.
 h.  In learning, children need guidance

 i.  Obtained from learning is a unity or not cut into pieces.
 j.  There must be a side goal besides the main goal.

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