Minggu, 24 November 2019

ESP (Tourism part)


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Indonesia has a variety of tours, ranging from natural tourism, to artificial tourism, especially on the Bukittinggi West Sumatera itself, many of which are found, ranging between provinces and between districts.

Bukittinggi is a city with the nickname City of Tourism in Indonesia located in the province of West Sumatra. The hilly topography of the city with a panorama of nature and also by three mountains, namely Merapi, Singgalang, and Sago are the attractions of the City of Bukittinggi.

        City  of the proclaimed himself as "City of Tourism" on March 11, 1984 have tourist objects that are quite diverse. Starting from attractions nature, cultural attractions, and historical attractions. One tourist attraction the main city of Bukittinggi which attracts tourists to visit are Sianok Canyon and Jam Gadang, which are famous to foreign countries because it is a natural tourism and historical tour in Indonesia. The following is table of area data and tourism objects in the city of Bukittinggi.

2.Transkrip of  interview

Agung : Excuse me, Sir.
Mr.Stephen : Yes
Agung : Are you busy?
Mr.Stephen : No
Agung : Could you help me sir?
Mr.Stephen : Yeah, of course.
Agung : Ok sir, thank you so much. I am Agung, I am a student of  IAIN Bukittinggi and I have a task from my lecture to find a tourist and interviewing with the tourist.
Mr.Stephen : Oh, Okay
Agung : Yes Sir, so may I record our talk with video?
Mr.Stephen : Yeah, no problem.
Agung : Thank you Sir. So, may I know your name?
Mr.Stephen : My name is Stephen. Your name?
Agung : My name is Agung.
Ok Mr.Stephen, where are you from?
Mr.Stephen : I come from America.
Agung : America?
Mr.Stephen : Yeah, California.
Agung : California, Woow its beautiful place, right?
Mr.Stephen : Oh yeah. Bukittinggi too.
Agung : I hope I can go there someday.
Mr.Stephen : Yeah me too. (Misunderstanding)
Agung : So, I want to ask you about, where do you know about Bukittinggi?
Mr.Stephen : I come here many times.
Agung : Many times, oh nice. So, what do you think about Bukittinggi?
Mr.Stephen : I like it. I know about “Ambo, kampuang, tigo”. Hahaha…
Agung : Ambo? Haha.. “Tambuah ciek”, you know it?
Mr.Stephen : Yeah.. Hahaha. Ciek di America ciek disini.
Agung : Hahaha.. How about the food?
Mr.Stephen : I like it.
Agung : Is the food is nice taste?
Mr.Stephen : Yeah, spicy food.
Agung : Spicy? You like spicy food.?
Mr.Stephen : Yeah.
Agung : So, Where is your visit?
Mr.Stephen : My visit?
Agung : Yeah.
Mr.Stephen : Next time I want to visit in Kerinci, Padang, Harau.
Next time I want to Padang Panjang.
Agung : Wiih, are you ever go to Padang?
Mr. Stephen : Yeah, My favorite here, because its codler.
Agung : What?
Mr.Stephen : I favorite Bukittinggi because the weather is codler.
Agung : Oh, Cool?
Mr.Stephen : Yeah cuaca lebih dingin.
Agung : Oh, you like cool.?
Mr.Stephen : Hmm.. Yeah.
Agung : Hmm.. You can speak Bahasa?
Mr.Stephen : Sedikit.. Hehe
Agung : What do you think about tourism spot in Bukittinggi? Like a panorama, Japan Tunnel.
Mr.Stephen : Oh that’s beautiful, like a Japan Tunnel its nothing at California.
Agung : Oh thank you, so what is your bad experience since you’re here?
Mr.Stephen : Oh bad experience, nothing.
Agung : Okay, So, what about the dark site in tourism spot in Bukittinggi?
Mr.Stephen : Dark site?
Agung : Yeah, like a something negative in tourism spot in Bukittinggi?
Mr.Stephen : Oh.. Nothing.. I don’t find something like that.
Agung : Hmm.. Ok thank you so much for your time.
Mr.Stephen : Oh.. Okay. You are welcome.
Agung : Its very interesting for me, because its about my task from my lecture.
Mr.Stephen : Yeah…Yeah
Agung : So, where you want to go now?
Mr.Stephen : I want to buy some food, and come back to Kapau.
Agung : Lapau?
Mr.Stephen : Kapau.
Agung : Oh Kapau.
Mr.Stephen : Yeah yeah
Agung : Are you stay in hotel in here?
Mr.Stephen : I stay with my friends.
Agung : With your friends. Hmm.. okay I think enough, thank you so much for your time.
Mr.Stephen : Yeah..Yeah.. Good luck for your task from your lecturer.
Agung : Yes, my final project.
Mr.Stephen : Yeah.. Good luck
Agung : Yeah.. Thank you so much Sir..
For the last, may I take a picture together with you?
Mr.Stephen : Yeah.. Of course.
Agung : Once again sir.
May I hug your shoulder?
Mr.Stephen : Yeah
Agung : Thank you so much sir. Have a nice day.
Mr.Stephen : You look nervous.
Agung : Yeah. I am really nervous, because this is my first time talk with a foregner.
But thank you so much sir, thank you so much.
Mr.Stephen : Hehehe, yeah yeah
Agung : See you soon sir..
Mr.Stephen : Okay.


-Tourism spot

We are discussed about ‘”Panorama and Japan Tunnel”. Mr.Stephen said “Oh that’s beautiful, like a Japan Tunnel its nothing at California”. So I think impossible the foreigner will said our place is not good or something like that, because they are come here to look a beautiful place and refreshing from a very busy their city.


The opinion from Mr.Stephen, he said the tourism spot in Bukittinggi is good because Bukittinggi have a something different with his country, like the Japan Tunnel.

-Dark Site Of Tourism Spot

Mr.Stephen said he is not find about the dark site or something negative at Tourism Spot in Bukittiggi. And I think why he is loved to come in Bukittinggi, the first he is said “I come here many times”. From his answer he was show to us he loved to come in Bukittiggi beside he loved the weather of Bukittinggi because colder than another place In West Sumatera.


It is some different experience from some tourist when they are in Indonesia and whwn they are in their country.

1.Always be the center of attention

Except in Bali, Caucasians have always been successful in attracting the attention of many of our communities wherever they are. From children to parents all join in when they see Caucasians. Either because there are many Indonesians who rarely see the presence of foreigners like them, or because most of our people are fascinated by their pure white skin.

Uniquely, our people always greet them with various greetings. From smiles, waving hands, to loud calls, "Mister, mister! Good morning! Thank you", regardless of Caucasians who are called boys, girls, or the time can be morning or night. This was felt by Sissel Almgren. This Swedish girl had studied in Jogja for one year. "Yes, the first time in Jakarta. Many people greeted me like that. At that time I didn't care, I was just very happy, because I had been studying Indonesian for a long time and finally got there," said the girl who is fluent in Indonesian.

2. Shocked to wake up early in the morning because of Fajr adzan

For foreign students who first studied in Indonesia, and first lived in a country with a majority Muslim population, they were shocked to hear the call to prayer echoing early in the morning. Moreover, the call to prayer in Indonesia includes quite a 'hard core'. Because the sound is loud, and sometimes there is a muezzin that is not melodious, plus this call to prayer 5 times a day. So it's enough to make them shock at first.

And according to Zuzana Lhotova, this girl from Czech who was studying in batik in Yogyakarta, felt that the first time she heard the call to prayer was when she visited Morocco. There, he felt the adhan really felt spiritual and exotic. But in Indonesia, he actually heard the call to prayer that made his spiritual nuance disappear.

3. Enchanted to see geckos and lizards at home

Living in a tropical country like Indonesia allows them to find a variety of tropical animals that do not exist in their home countries. Call it like lizard and gecko, these animals that often wander in almost all of the house plasterboard in Indonesia, must be a spectacle of interest to them. Even seeing a gecko in a plasterboard can only make them gape.

4. Pain with Indonesian cuisine

Indonesian cuisine is indeed very diverse, from Jogja which has a lot of sweetness, to Padang cuisine that must use coconut milk and chili. For foreign students, the diversity of cuisine in Indonesia is very delicious. Many of them fall in love with tempeh, fried mushrooms, tofu, and other foods. But, after they tried our sambal food, many of those who were overwhelmed were equally pedantic, although many were later addicted.

 5. Fresh / unsweetened is one of the words that must be remembered

Still about Indonesian culinary taste, for foreign students who are just learning Indonesian first, the word 'unsweetened' is one of the initial vocabulary they always remember. Because there are many foreign students who feel that if we drink, if we want tea, orange or juice, always use a lot of sugar. And they don't usually consume that much sugar. So yes, if you want to snack outside, you should always remember that the password is 'unsalted / unsweetened'.

6. Become a sudden millionaire

Our rupiah, which has a lot of zeros, makes foreign students millionaires instantly. Plus the rupiah exchange rate with various other foreign currencies in the world is not the same. In Jogja, we buy avocado juice for Rp. 7,000, and if in America there is US $ 7,000 available to buy a house. So that everything looks a lot and cheap for most foreign students studying in Indonesia.

7. Shocked by traffic in Indonesia (lots of motorbikes, motorbikes on the left side of the road)

Road traffic in Indonesia, which is quite chaotic, makes many Caucasians nervous to take a walk. With the condition of our makeshift public vehicles, plus sidewalks that have to share with tire patches or catfish pecel stalls and different driving sides with some of their countries of origin, it is increasingly making them die style to explore the city at first.

8. Afraid of crossing or even not knowing how to cross

Plus in certain cities in Indonesia such as Jogja, where you can see rickshaws, gethuk carts, horse carts, motorbikes, cars, trucks with different speeds, one together on the road, making foreign students hesitant or afraid to cross. Moreover, they like to be scared by unexpected vehicles. Just as long as it works!

9. It's not usual to use a dipper and use a toilet seat that doesn't have toilet paper
The bathing habits of Indonesians who use dipper or scoop and defecate using squat toilets are also among the most difficult habits for most foreign students, who have the habit of bathing in a shower system and sitting toilet flush. They feel difficult to defecate because of a different sitting position. Coupled with the absence of tissue they usually get inside the toilet, they have to carry their own cleaning supplies.

10. Time seems to stop

This feels really especially for those from 4 seasons. Time will stop when they stay in Indonesia for quite a long time. Morning and evening will always start and end at the same time. There is no longer afternoon in summer, no longer nights in winter. There is no extreme temperature change, there is no color change in the tree if it is spring and fall. Everything is the same from time to time. And because they also feel comfortable living in Indonesia even longer. (This report was written by Mirza Maulana / MG)


In researcher best understanding, Bukittinggi become a tourism spot because Bukittinggi has a beautiful place, a comfortable place, delicious food, the colder weather and so many good people and Indonesian people very friendly.

Some of them who come here (Bukittinggi), usually said Bukittinggi is a beautiful place, it’s a reason why Mr.Stephen came here many times beside his loved Bukittinggi weather. So, from the opinion of Mr.Stephen I understand about something, it is not all of foregner like the warm weather just for make their skin is a little dark I guess.

About foods in Bukittinggi may be almost of foregner like the spicy foods. But not all about them like that. Because in the part of compare I got samething, it is “Pain with Indonesian cuisine” its so refers to Indoesian foods.

Last, about their different experience between their country and when they are in Indonesia. So many differences, like time, when they are come to Indonesia for quite a long time morning and evening will always start and end at the same time. There is no longer afternoon in summer, no longer nights in winter. There is no extreme temperature change, there is no color change in the tree if it is spring and fall. Everything is the same from time to time. And because they also feel comfortable living in Indonesia even longer.

They shock with road traffic in Indonesia, which is quite busy, makes many of them nervous to take a walk. It’s the reason why they are afraid of crossing or even not knowing how to cross.
They are becomema sudden millionaire bevause our rupiah, which has a lot of zeros, makes foreign students millionaires instantly. Plus the rupiah exchange rate with various other foreign currencies in the world is not the same. In Bukittingi same like in Jogja, we buy avocado juice for Rp. 7,000, and if in America there is US $ 7,000 available to buy a house.

May be some of the fact about Indonesia become one of reason why the foreigner loved to come to Indonesia.

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